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Contact Us

Department of Animal Sciences
The Robert H. Smith Faculty
of Agricultural, Food & Environment

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, Israel
Phone: +972-(0)8-9489119;
Fax: +972-(0)8-9465763;
Yael Lewitus, Department's Secretary

Prof. Roth Zvi

Reproductive Physiology

Publications in Google Scholar

Please visit the Roth Lab website:  

Reproductive Physiology and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals


Research Interests:

My major area of interest focuses on studying the mechanism by which various stresses affect reproductive performance in dairy cows and in developing new strategies to overcome those effects. Stressors include: thermal stress, oxidative stress, environmental toxicants, pathogenic stress, and endocrine disruptors.

My studies range from the basic to the applied and involve a wide range of in-vivo and in-vitro experimental approaches and methodologies. The basic part of my research examines the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying disruptions in oocyte competence and embryonic development. The applied part of my research includes establishing new approaches and novel strategies that could potentially have practical applications in the dairy .