Department Head's Welcome


I wish to welcome you to the Department of Animal Sciences website. Since the creation of the department's in 1973 more than 3000 students completed their undergraduate studies, 600 students their master studies and more than 250 students completed the requirements for the PhD degree. Our graduates fill important positions in various branches of the domestic animal industry, research, biotech and government ministries.

George Bernard Shaw once said ‘the most serious sin of men towards animals is not the hatred of them, but the indifference towards their fate'. This sentence accompanies most scientific research carried out in our department, whose main goal is the improvement of agricultural production, coupled with the study of animal needs and their welfare.

I welcome you to visit the websites of department researchers, and in addition I invite our students to participate in the scientific activity and to pursue their academic goals through advanced academic studies, and thereby to contribute to the improvement of animal farming and its prosperity.


Prof. Israel Rozenboim
Head, Department of Animal Sciences
Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem