
Israel Nir

Prof. Israel Nir

In Memoriam
Animal Science


Prof. Israel Nir



Prof. Amatsia Zimber

Associate Professor (Emeritus), Animal Sciences


  • Ph.D. Physiology, Cornell University, 1970
  • M.Sc. Zoology, Dept. Experimental Medicine & Cancer, Hebrew Univ., 1964
  • B.Sc. Zoology, Hebrew University, 1962

Teaching Responsibilities:

71004 – Zoology; the invertebrates
71808 – Introduction to animal biology
71930 – Proliferation and differentiation in animal cells
71079 – Biology of the cell – the animal cell

List of Publications

  1. Wolfenson, D., Z. Roth, and R. Meidan. Impaired reproduction in heat-stressed cattle: basic and applied aspects. 14th Int. Cong. Anim. Reprod. Stockholm. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 60-61, 535-547, 2000. (review).
  2. Shaham-Albalancy, Y. Folman, M. Kaim, M. Rosenberg, and D. Wolfenson. Delayed effect of low progesterone on bovine uterine prostaglandin F2 secretion in the subsequent oestrous cycle. Reproduction 122: 643-648, 2001.