Table of Contents

List of Publications

1. Doctoral Dissertation: The involvement of antiestrogen ‑ Tamoxifen, in the precocious puberty process in the Gallus Domesticus ‑ White Leghorn male, and possible applications. Supervision: Prof. N. Snapir, Prof. B. Robinzon, 1990, Hebrew University of Jerusalem # 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11.

Book Chapters

  • Snapir, N.PIRozenboim, I.S, JACCOBY, SS, and ROBINZON, B.PI (1990).  Tamoxifen induces precocious puberty in White Leghorns of both sexes, and in Muscovy males. In: Control of  Fertility in Domestic Birds, J.P. Billard (Ed) Les Colleques di l'INRA#54, INRA, Paris, pp 11‑20.
  • El Halawani, M.E.PI (PI) and Rozenboim, I.PI (1993). Incubation behavior in the turkey: molecular and endocrinological implications. In Avian Endocrinology. P. J. Sharp ed. A Publication of the Society for Endocrinology, pp:99-110. 38
  • Kapkowska, E.PI, Gumulka, M.C, and RozenboimI.PI (2005). An attempt at improving welfare of broiler breeder hens during the rearing period by anorectic agents and oat hulls in feed. Animal Sci. Papers and Reports 23:309-316.
  • Rozenboim I., El Halawani M.E., Kashash Y., Piestun Y., Halevy O. (2012). The effect of monochromatic photostimulation on growth and development of broiler birds. 10th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology, Tsutsui K. (ed). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 190:214-219. ;1


  1. Rozenboim, I.S,  Gvaryahu, G.S, Robinzon, B.PI, Sayag, N.S and Snapir,N.PI (1986). Induction of precocious development of reproductive function in cockerels by tamoxifen administration. Poultry Sci. 65: 1980‑1983. 1.126; 9/41;20
  2. Robinzon, B.PIRozenboim, I.S, Sayag, N.S, Gvaryahu,G.S , and Snapir, N.PI (1987). Testosterone and adiposity in the chicken: The effect of breed and sex. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 27:  223‑226. 1.612; 20/39; 7
  3. Rozenboim, I.S, Gvaryahu, G.S, Robinzon, B.PI, Sayag, N.S, and  Snapir, N.PI (1988). Fertile semen from nine week old chicks treated with tamoxifen. Poultry Sci., 67: 1642‑1643. 1.126; 9/41;7 
  4. Rozenboim, I.S, Dgany, O.S, Robinzon, B.PI, Arnon, E.T, and  Snapir, N.PI (1989). The effect of tamoxifen on the reproductive traits in White Leghorn cockerels. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 32:377‑381. 1.612; 20/39;14
  5. Rozenboim, I.S, Robinzon, BPI Arnon, E.T, and Snapir, N.PI (1989). The effect of embryonic and neonatal administration of tamoxifen on adiposity in the broiler chicken. Brit. Poultry Sci. 30:607‑612. 0.73;14/41;6
  6. Rozenboim, I.S, Robinzon, B.PI, Gahaly, S.S, Arnon, E.T, Meltzer, A.C, and Snapir, N.PI (1990). The effect of tamoxifen on sexual development of turkey toms and Moskovy drakes. Poultry Sci. 69:176‑178. 1.126; 9/41; 8
  7. Robinzon, B.PIRozenboimI.S, Arnon, E.T, and Snapir, N.PI (1990). The effect of tamoxifen on semen fertilization  capacity in White Leghorn male chicks. Poultry Sci., 69:1220‑1222. 1.126; 9/41;3
  8. Rozenboim, I.S, Robinzon, B.PI, Ron, B.S, Arnon, E.T, and Snapir, N.PI (1990). The response of broiler's adiposity to testosterone  after embryonic exposure to androgen and tamoxifen. Brit. Poultry Sci 31:651‑659. 0.73;14/41;4
  9. Morpurgo, B.S , Rozenboim, I.C, and Robinzon, B.PI (1992). The effect of yohimbine on the reproductive behavior of male Nile crocodile, Crocodylus Niloticus. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 43:449-452. 2.608; 1.612; 20/39; 1 
  10. Jaccoby, S.S, Snapir N.PI, Rozenboim, I.C, Arnon, E.T, Meidan, R.C, Robinzon, B.PI (1992). Tamoxifen advances puberty in the White Leghorn hen. Brit. Poult. Sci. 33:101-111. 0.73;14/41;9
  11.  Rozenboim, I.S, Snapir, N.PI, Arnon, E.T, Ben‑Aryeh, R.S, Burke, W.H.C, Sharp, P.J.C, Koch, Y.C, Robinzon, B. (PI) (1993). Precocious puberty in tamoxifen treated cockerels: hypothalamic gonadotropin‑releasing hormone‑I and plasma luteinizing hormone, prolactin, growth hormone and testosterone. Brit. Poult. Sci. 34:533-542. 0.73;14/41;18
  12.   Rozenboim, I.PI, and El Halawani, M.E.PI (1993). Characterization of vasoactive intestinal peptide pituitary membrane receptors in turkey hens during different stages of reproduction. Biol. Reprod. 48: 1129-1135. 3.327;2/22;34
  13. Rozenboim, I.C, Tabibzadeh, C.S, Silsby, J.L.T, and El Halawani M.E.PI (1993). The effect of ovine prolactin (oPRL) administration on hypothalamic vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and anterior pituitary VIP receptors in laying and incubating turkey hens. Biol. Reprod. 48:1246-1250. 3.327;2/22;42
  14.  El Halawani, M.E.PI, and Rozenboim, I.PD (1993). The ontogeny and  control of incubation behavior in turkeys. Poultry Sci. 72:906-911. 1.126; 9/41;37
  15.  El Halawani, M.E.PI, Silsby, J.L.T, Foster, L.K.TRozenboim, I.PD, and Foster, D.N.C (1993). Ovarian steroid involvement in the suppression of luteinizing hormone in the incubating turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Neuroendocrinology. 58:35-41. 3.0; 18/83;18
  16.  Rozenboim, I.PD, Silsby, J.L.T, Tabibzadeh, C.S, Pitts, G.R.S, and El Halawani, M.E.PI (1994). Hypothalamic and posterior pituitary content of vasoactive intestinal peptide gonadotropin releasing hormone I and II in the turkey hen. Biol. Reprod. 49: 622-626. 3.327;2/22;33
  17.  Pitts, G.R.S,. Youngren, O.M.T, Silsby, J.L.T, Foster, L.K.T, Foster, D.N.CRozenboim, I.PD, Philips, R.E.C, and El Halawani, M.E.PI (1994). The role of Vasoactive intestinal peptide in the control of prolactin induced turkey incubation behavior. I. Acute infusion of vasoactive intestinal peptide. Biol. of Reprod. 50:1344-1349. 3.327;2/22; 20
  18.  Pitts, G.R.S, Youngren O.M.T, Silsby, J.L.TRozenboim, I.PD, Y. ChaisehaS, Philips, R.E.C, Foster, D.N.C, and El Halawani, M.E.PI (1994). The role of vasoactive intestinal peptide in the control of prolactin induced turkey incubation behavior. II. Chronic infusion of vasoactive intestinal peptide. Biol. Reprod. 50:1350-1357. 3.327;2/22; 22
  19.   Tabibzadeh, C.S, Silsby, J.L.TRozenboim I.PD, Foster D.N.C, and El Halawani M.E.PI (1994). Theca cell cytochrome P450 17 Hydroxylase and aromatase messenger ribonucleic acid  and serum steroid levels during follicular atresia associated with incubation behavior in the domestic turkey hens. Biol. Reprod.  51:731-739. 3.327;2/22; 3
  20.  El Halawani, M.E.PI, Silsby, J.L.TRozenboimI.PD and Pitts, G.R.S (1995). Increased egg production by active immunization against vasoactive intestinal peptide in the turkey (Meligris gallopavo). Biol. Reprod. 52:179-183. 3.327;2/22; 51
  21.  Youngren, O.M.T, Silsby, J.L.TRozenboim, I.PD, Pillips, R.E.C, and EL Halawani, M.E.PI(1994). Active immunization with vasoactive intestinal peptide, prevents the secretion of prolactin induced by electrical stimulation of the turkey hypothalamus. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 95:330-336. 1.835; 39/83; 33
  22.  El Halawani, M.E.PI, Youngren, O.M.TRozenboimI.PD, Pitts, G.R.S, Silsby, J.L.T, and Phillips, R.E.C (1995). Serotonergic stimulation of prolactin secretion in inhibited by vasoactive intestinal peptide immunoneotralization in the turkey. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 99:69-74. 1.835; 39/83; 20
  23. Tbibzadeh, C.SRozenboim, I.PD,  Silsby, J.L.T, Pitts, G.R.S, Foster, D.N.C, and El Halawani, M.E.PI (1995). Modulation of Ovarian Cytochrome P450 17-alpha-Hydroxylase and Cytochrome Aromatase Messenger Ribonucleic Acid by Prolactin in the Domestic Turkey. Biol. Reprod. 52:600-608. 3.327;2/22; 16
  24.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Robinzon, B.C, Vainman, N.S, and Pitcovsky, J.C (1996). Environmental and pharmacological stimulation of gonadal activity in parakeet. Israeli J. of Vet. Med. 51:167-170. 1
  25.  Rozenboim, I.PD, Pitts, G.R.S, Youngren, O.M.T, and El Halawani, M.E.PI (1996). Effect of maternal passive immunization against vasoactive intestinal peptide on prolactin secretion in turkey poults. Biol. Reprod. 54:670-675. 3.327;2/22; 6
  26.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Wolfenson, D.C, and Miara L.S (1998). The thermoregulatory mechanism of melatonin-induced hypothermia in chicken. American J. of Physiol. 43 (1):  R232-R236. 3.077; 9/67; 13
  27.  Snapir, N.PI, Rulf, J.S, Meltzer, A.C, Gvaryahu, G.CRozenboim, I.C,and Robinzon, B.C (1998). Testosterone levels and testes size of male mallard drakes (Muscovy drake x Khaki Campbell) Brit. Poult. Sci. 39:572-574. 0.73;14/41; 5
  28.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Zilberman, Y.T, Gvaryahu, G.C (1998). New monochromatic light source for laying hens. Poultry Sci. 77:1695-1698. 1.126; 9/41; 34
  29.  Halevy, O.PI, Biran, I.S, and Rozenboim I.PI (1998) Various Light source treatments affect body and skeletal muscle growth by affecting skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in broilers. Comp. Physiol. Biochem. 120:317-323. 0.645; 50/250 ; 34
  30.  Eitan, Y.C, Soller, M.PIRozenboim, I.PI (1998). Comb size and estrogen levels toward the onset of lay in broiler and layer  strain females under ad libitum and restricted feeding. Poultry Sci. 77:1593-1600. 1.126; 9/41; 15
  31. Rozenboim, I.PI, Biran I.S, Uni, Z.C, Robinzon, B.c and Halevy, O.PI (1999). The effect of monochromatic light on broiler growth and development. Poultry Sci. 78:135-138. 1.126; 9/41; 52
  32.  Blume, C.CRozenboim, I.PD, Silsby, J.L.T, and El Halawani, M.E.PI  (2000). Sex-related differences in the effects of late winter pairing activity and seasonal influences on neuroendocrinology and gonadal development of mallards. Gen. and Comp. Endocrinol. 118:310-321. 1.912; 44/89; 4
  33.  Rozenboim,I.PI,Robinzon, B.c and Rosenstrauch, A.C (1999). The effect of light source and regime on growing broilers. Brit. Poult. Sci. 40:452-457. 0.692;18/41; 26
  34.  Weil, S.SRozenboim, I.C, Degen, A.A.C, Friedlander, M.C, Dawson, A.C, and Rosenshtrauch, A.PI (1999). Fertility decline in aging roosters is related to increase testicular and plasma estradiol. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 115:23-28. 1.839;40/89; 10
  35.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Kapkowska, E.C, Robinzon, B.c and Uni, Z.C (1999). Effects of fenfluramine on body weight, feed intake, and reproductive activities of broiler breeder hens. Poult. Sci. 78:1768-72. 1.052; 5/41; 3
  36.  Bluhm, C.K.CRozenboim, I.PD, Silsby, J.L.T, and El Halawani, M. E.PI (2000). Sex-related differences in the effects of late winter pairing activity and seasonal influences on neuroendocrinology and gonadal development of mallards. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 118:310-321. 1.912; 44/89; 4
  37.  Yahav, S.PI, Hurwitz, S.C, and Rozenboim, I.PI(2000). The effect of light intensity on growth and development of turkey toms. Brit. Poult. Sci. 41:101-106. 0.705; 17/41; 13
  38.  Sklan, D.PI, Noy, Y.C, Hoyzman, A.S, and Rozenboim I.PI (2000). Decreasing weight loss in the hatchery by feeding chicks and poults in hatching trays. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 9:142-149. 0.408;27/41; 22
  39.  Uni, Z.PI, Zaiger, G.S, Gal-Garber, O.S, Pines, M.CRozenboim, I.C, and Reifen, R.PI (2000). Vitamin A deficiency interferes with proliferation and maturation of cells in the chicken small intestine. Brit. Poult. Sci. 41:410-415. 0.705; 17/41; 27
  40.  Yanai, J.PI, Steingart, R.A.C, Snapir, N.C, Gvaryahu, G.C,  Rozenboim, I.C, and Katz, A.S(2000). The relationship between neural alterations and behavioral deficits after prenatal exposure to heroin Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 914:402-11. 1.381;9/49; 9
  41.  Wolfenson, D.PI, Bachrach, D.S, Maman, M.T, Graber, Y.T, andRozenboim, I.C (2001). Evaporative cooling of ventral regions of the skin in heat-stressed laying hens. Poultry Sci. 80:958-64. 1.154; 8/41; 22
  42.  Gahali, K.S, El Halawani, M.E.PI, and Rozenboim I.PI (2001). Photostimulated Prolactin Release in the Turkey Hen: Effect of Ovariectomy and Environmental Temperature. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 124:166-172. 1.909; 48/88; 8
  43.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Aharoni, T.S, and Yahav, S.C (2002). The effect of melatonin on LH secretion in White Leghorn cockerels. Poultry. Sci. 81:1354-1359. 1.224;8/41; 24
  44.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Huisinga, R.C, Halevy, O.C, and El Halawani, M.E.PI  (2003). Effect of embryonic photostimulation on post-hatch growth of turkey poults. Poultry Sci. 82:1181-1187. 1.253;8/41; 15
  45.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Navot, A.S, Snapir, N.C, Rosenstrauch, A.C, El Halawani, M. E.C, Gvaryahu, G.C, and Degen, A.C (2003). A Method for collecting semen from the ostrich (Sturthio Camelus) and some of its quantitative and qualitative Characteristics. Brit. Poult. Sci. 44:607-611. 0.9; 14/41; 10
  46.  Halevy, O.PI, Nadel, Y.S, Barak M. TRozenboim IPI, and Sklan, D.C (2003). Early posthatch feeding stimulates satellite cell proliferation and skeletal muscle growth in turkey poults. J. Nut. 133:1376-82. 3.321; 5/53; 48
  47.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Mobaraki, N.S, Heiblum, R.T, Chaiseha, Y.C, Biran I.S, Rosenstrauch, A.C, Sklan, A.C, and. El Halawani, M.EC (2004). The role of prolactin in reproductive failure associated with heat stress. Biol. Reprod. 71:1208-1213. 3.646;2/22; 17
  48.  Rozenboim, I.PI, Biran, I.S, Chaiseha,C Y., Yahav, S.C, Rosenstrauch, A.C, Sklan, D.C (C), and Halevy, O.C (2004). The Effect of Green and Blue Monochromatic Light Combination on Broiler Growth and Development. Poultry Sci. 83:842-845. 1.253;8/41; 43
  49. Rozenboim, I.PI, Piestun, Y.S, Mobarkey, N.S, Barak, M.T, Hoyzman, A.S and Halevy, O.PI(2004). Monochromatic Light Stimuli During Embryogenesis Enhance Embryo Development and Posthatch Growth. Poultry Sci. 83:1413-1419. 1.253; 8/41; 22
  50.  Halevy, O.PI, Piestun, Y.S, Allouh, M.Z.C, Rosser, B.W.C.C, Rinkevich, Y.C, Reshef, R.CRozenboim, I.PI, Wleklinski, M.C, and Yablonka-Reuveni, Z.PI (2004). The pattern of Pax7 expression during myogenesis in the posthatch chicken establishes a model for satellite cell differentiation and renewal. Dev. Dyn. 231:489-502. 3.16; 2/17; 147
  51.  Yanai, J.PI, Beer, A.C, Huleihel, R.C, Izrael, M.C, Katz, S.C, Levi, Y.CRozenboimI.C, Yaniv, S.P.C, Slotkin, T.A.C (2004). Convergent effects on cell signaling mechanisms mediate the actions of different neurobehavioral teratogens: alterations in cholinergic regulation of protein kinase C in chick and avian models.  Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1025:595-601. 1.892; 6/46; 18
  52. Kulick, R. S.S, Chaiseha, Y.CRozenboim, I.C, and El Halawani M.E.PI (2005). The Relative Importance of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide and Peptide Histidine Isoleucine as Physiological Regulators of Prolactin in the Domestic Turkey. Gen. and Comp. Endocrinol. 142:267-273.2.29; 45/89; 9
  53. Kang, S.W.S, Thayananuphat, A.SRozenboim, I.C, Millam, J.R.C,  Proudman, J.A.C, and El Halawani, M.E.PI (2006). Differential Expression of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-I mRNA in the Hypothalamus during the Turkey Reproductive cycle. Gen. and Comp. Endocrinol. 146(2):91-99. 2.823;54/88 (Endocrinology and Metabolism) ;21
  54. Halevy, O.PI, Piestun, Y.SRozenboim, I.PI, and Yablonka-Reuveni, Z.PI (2006). In ovo exposure to monochromatic green light promotes skeletal muscle cell proliferation and affects myofiber growth in posthatch chicks Am. J. of Physiol. 290:1062-1070. 3.685; 18/78 (Physiology); 30. This paper was a result of BARD program (3 PI) “Enhancing muscle growth….” (2000-2003).
  55.  Halevy, O.PI, Yahav, SPI. & RozenboimIPI. (2006) Enhancement of meat production by environmental manipulations in embryo and young broilers. World’s Poult. Sci. J., 62: 485-497; 1.177; 12/44 (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science); 21
  56.  Rozenboim, IPI., Tako, ES., Gal-Garber, OT., Proudman, J.AC., Uni, ZPI. (2007) The effect of heat stress on ovarian function of laying hens. Poult Sci. 86:1760-1765; 1.603; 8/47 (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science); 34
  57. Rochester J.RT., Heiblum RT., Rozenboim IC., Millam J.R.PI (2008). Post-hatch oral estrogen exposure reduces oviduct and egg mass and alters nest-building behaviour in adult zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Physiol. Behav. 95:370-80; 2.806; 17/47 (Behavioural Sciences); 11
  58.  Kosonsiriluk, S.S, Sartsoongnoen, N.S, Chaiyachet, O.S, Prakobsaeng, N.S, Songserm, T.SRozenboim, I.C, El HalawaniC, M.E., Chaiseha, Y.PI (2008) Vasoactive intestinal peptide and its role in continuous and seasonal reproduction in birds. Gen Comp. Endocrinol. 159:88-97; 2.645; 52/93 (Endocrinology and Metabolism); 10
  59.  Sartsoongnoen N.S, Kosonsiriluk S.S, Prakobsaeng N.S, Songserm T.SRozenboim I.C, Halawani M.E.C, Chaiseha Y.PI (2008). The dopaminergic system in the brain of the native Thai chicken, Gallusdomesticus: Localization and differential expression across the reproductive cycle. Gen Comp. Endocrinol. 159:107-115; 2.645; 52/93 (Endocrinology and Metabolism); 15
  60. Saragusty J.S, Gacitua H.T, Zeron Y.CRozenboim I.PI, Arav A.PI (2008) Double freezing of bovine semen. Anim Reprod Sci. 115:10-17; 1.89; 5/45 (Reproductive Biology); 9. PhD student shared by 2 advisors.
  61. Saragusty J.S, Gacitua H.TRozenboim I.PI, Arav A.PI (2009). Protective effects of iodixanol during bovine sperm cryopreservation. Theriogenol. 71:1425-32; 2.073; 19/30 (Reproductive Biology); 14. PhD student shared by 2 advisors.
  62. Saragusty J.S, Gacitua H.TRozenboim I.PI, Arav A.PI (2009). Do physical forces contribute to cryodamage? Biotechnol Bioeng. 104:719-28; 3.377; 24/162 (Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology); 19. PhD student shared by 2 advisors.
  63. *Mobarkey N.S, Avital N.S, Heiblum R.TRozenboim I.PI (2010). The role of retinal and extra-retinal photostimulation in reproductive activity in broiler breeder hens. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 38:235-243; 1.896; 4/56 (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science); 19
  64.  Prakobsaeng N.S, Sartsoongnoen N.S, Kosonsiriluk S.S, Chaiyachet O.A.S, Chokchaloemwong D.SRozenboim I.C, Halawani M.E.C, Porter T.E.C, Chaiseha Y.PI (2011). Changes in vasoactive intestinal peptide and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the brain of nest-deprived native Thai hen. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 171:189-96; 3.267; 48/122 (Endocrinology and Metabolism); 13
  65.  Avital-Cohen N.S, Heiblum R.T, Argov N.C, Rosenstrauch A.C, Chaiseha Y.C, Mobarkey N.SRozenboim I.PI (2011).The Effect Of Active Immunization Against Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) And Inhibin On Reproductive Performances Of Young White Leghorn Roosters Poult. Sci. 90:2321-31; 1.728; 9/55. (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science); 8
  66.  Avital-Cohen N.S, Heiblum R.T, Argov N.C, Rosenstrauch A.C, Chaiseha Y.C, Mobarkey N.SRozenboim I.PI (2012). The Effect Of Active Immunization Against Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) And Inhibin On Reproductive Performances Of aging White Leghorn Roosters. Poult. Sci. 91:161-174; 1.516; 11/54. (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science); 6
  67. Sivan, J.PI, Kam, M.C, Hadadd, S.C, Degen A.CRozenboim I.C, Rosenstrauch A.C (2012). Reproductive cycle of free-living male Saharan Sand Vipers, Cerastes vipera (Viperidae) in the Negev Desert, Israel. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 179:241-247; 2.823; 56/122. (Endocrinology and Metabolism); 2
  68.   Chaiyachet O.S, Chokchaloemwong D.S, Prakobsaeng N.S, Sartsoongnoen N.S, Kosonsiriluk S.SRozenboime I.C, El Halawani M. E.C, Porter T. E.C, Chaiseha Y.PI (2013) Neuroendocrine regulation of rearing behavior in the native Thai hen. Acta Histochem.;115:209-18; 1.608; 153/185. (Cell Biology); 3
  69. *Mobarkey N.S,  Avital N.S,  Heiblum R.T and Rozenboim I.PI (2013). The effect of parachlorophenylalanine and active Immunization against vasoactive intestinal peptide on reproductive activities of broiler breeder hens photostimulated with green light. Biol. Reprod. 88:83, 1-7; 4.027; 5/28. (Reproductive Biology); 2
  70.  Sivan J.PI, Kam M.C, Hadad S.S, Degen A.CRozenboim I.C, Rosenstrauch A.C (2013). Temporal activity and dietary selection in two co-existing desert snakes, the Saharan sand viper (Cerastes vipera) and the crowned leafnose (Lytorhynchus diadema). Zool. 116:113-117; 1.417; 44/153. (Zoology); 1
  71. *Avital-Cohen N.S, Heiblum R.T, Argov-Argaman N.C, Rosenstrauch A.C, Chaiseha Y.C, Mobarkey N.S, and Rozenboim I.PI (2013). Age-related changes in gonadal and serotonergic axes of broiler breeder roosters. Domes. Anim. Endocrinol. 44(3):145-50; 2.377; 4/54. (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science); 5
  72.  Gumułkaa, M.PIRozenboim, I.PI, (2013). Mating activity of domestic geese ganders (Anser anser f. domesticus) during breeding period in relation to age, testosterone  and thyroid  hormones. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 142:183-90; 1.897; 6/54. (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science);
  73.  Chaiseha, Y.PI, Chokchaloemwong, D.SRozenboim, I.C, and M.E. El HalawaniC (2015) Dopamine and prolactin involvement in the maternal care of chicks in the native Thai hen (Gallus domesticus). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 212: 131-144; 2.823; 56/122. (Endocrinology and Metabolism);
  74. *Avital-Cohen, N.S,  Rosenstrauch, A.C,  Chaiseha, Y.C, Mobarkey, N.S and Rozenboim, I.PI. (2015) Role of the serotonergic axis in the reproductive failure associated with aging broiler breeder roosters. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 53:42-51; 2.823; 56/122. (Endocrinology and Metabolism);
  75. Gumułkaa, M.PIRozenboim, I.PI, (2015). Breeding period-associated changes in semen quality, concentrations of LH, PRL, gonadal steroid and thyroid hormones in domestic goose ganders (Anser anser f. domesticus). Anim. Reprod. Sci. 154: 165-175; 1.897; 6/54. (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science); 1
  76. Gumułkaa, M.PIRozenboim, I.PI, (2015). Mating activity and sperm penetration assay in prediction of the reproduction potential of domestic goose ganders in a harem system. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 161:138-145. 1.897; 6/54. (Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science);
  77. Gumułkaa, M.PIRozenboim, I.PI, (2015). Effect of breeding stage and photoperiod on gonadal and serotonergic axes in domestic ganders. Theriogenology. 84:1332-1341. 1.798; 20/133 (Veterinary Science);
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