Animal Sciences department Seminar room
Prof. Ofer Yizhar
Department of Brain Sciences, The Weizmann Institute of Science
Oxytocin signaling regulates maternally-directed behavior during early life
Oxytocin is essential in shaping social behavior across the lifespan. While the role of oxytocin signaling in parental care has been widely investigated, little is known about its function in social behavior during early life. We found that pups that were separated from their mothers for a 3-hour period show a host of maternally-directed behaviors upon reunion, which are regulated by oxytocin. Using a novel optogenetic approach for transcranial silencing in freely-behaving pups, we found that silencing of oxytocin neurons during maternal separation disrupted vocal behavior during both separation and reunion in a sex-specific manner. Our findings
reveal an important role of oxytocin in context-dependent vocal communication in pups, offering new insights into the mechanisms of social behavior during early life.