Curriculum Vitae


1980 - Ph.D. Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University

1974 - M.Sc. Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University

1971 - B.Sc. Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University

Teaching Responsibilities:

71803 - Reproductive Biology

71833 - Bioclimatology

71812 - Dairy Cattle Management

71926 - Environmental Physiology 

Short summary:

Professor in Animal Physiology, in the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University, in Rehovot, Israel. Teaching includes: Comparative Reproductive Biology, Environmental Physiology and Dairy Cattle Physiology and Management. In the last 10 years I have supervised 12 M.Sc, 2 D.V.M. 3 Ph.D., and 2 undergraduate students. Publications include 6 chapters in books, 70 scientific papers and review papers in peer-reviewed journals, and 72 abstracts at scientific meetings.