The complex community of microbes residing in our gut, also known as the gut microbiota, is currently seen as an organ of vertebrate animals which has multiple functions such as food processing and pathogen defense. Our lab is dedicated to the study of the commensal and pathogenic bacterial components of the gut microbiota, and their interactions with each other and the host. A secondary goal is to utilize our knowledge to redesign the gut microbiota to promote the wellbeing of humans and farm animals.
Our lab studies the gut microbiota at the population, single species and molecular levels (using methods such as cell culture, qPCR, NGS...) and aim to answer basic and applied science questions such as:
What do bacteria sense in the gut environment? What can it tell us about the gut environment? What are the relationships between gut bacteria? Do they feed one another? Fight one another? Communicate? How are bacteria inherited? Are commensal bacteria inherited through chicken eggs? Can we create a probiotic to reduce infection and mortality in newly hatched chicks?
How to apply: Send your CV and publication list to Dr. Erez Mills –