List of Publications

Recent Publications:

  1. Casey, T. M., K. Plaut, M. Kalyesubula, A. Shamay, C. Sabastian, Y. Wein, E. Bar-Shira, N. Reicher, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2018. Mammary core clock gene expression is impacted by photoperiod exposure during the dry period in goats. J. Applied Anim. Res.  46, 1214-1219.
  2. Ovadia, Y. S., C. Sabastian, L. Dahl, A. M. Troen, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2018. The effect of iodophor post-milking teat disinfection on iodine content in goat milk. Israel J. Vet. Med. 73:14-22.
  3. Ben Meir, Y. A., M. Nikbachat, S. Jacoby, Y. Portnik, H. Levit, A. K. Elazary, E. Gershon, G.  Adin, G., M. C. Zinder, A. Shabtay, M. Zachut, S. J. Mabjeesh, I. Halachmi, J. Miron. 2019. Effect of lactation trimester and parity on eating behavior, milk production and efficiency traits of dairy cows. Animal. 13:1736-1743.
  4. Ben Meir, Y. A., M. Nikbachat, Y. Portnik, S. Jacoby, H. Levit, D. Bikel, G. Adin, U. Moallem, J. Miron, S. J. Mabjeesh, and I. Halachmi. 2019. Dietary restriction improved feed efficiency of inefficient lactating cows. J. Dairy Sci. 102:8898-8906.
  5. Ben Meir, Y. A., M. Nikbachat, Y. Portnik, S. Jacoby, G. Adin, U. Moallem, I. Halachmi, J. Miron, and S. J. Mabjeesh, 2021. Effect of forage-to-concentrate ratio on production efficiency of low-efficient high-yielding lactating cows. Animal. 15:p10012.
  6. Casey, T., A. Suarez-Trujillo, S. Cummings, K. Huff, J. Crodian, K. Bhide, C. Aduwari, K. Teeple, A. Shamay, S. J. Mabjeesh, P. S. Miguel, J. Thimmapuram, and K. Plaut. 2021. Core circadian clock transcription factor BMAL1 regulates mammary epithelial cell growth, differentiation, and milk component synthesis. Plos One. 16: e0248199.
  7. Kalyesubula, M., T. M. Casey, N. Reicher, C. Sabastian, Y. Wein, E. Bar Shira, N. Hoang, U. Z. George, A. Shamay, K. Plaut, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2021. Physiological state and photoperiod exposures differentially influence circadian rhythms of body temperature and prolactin and relate to changes in mammary PER1 expression in late pregnant and early lactation dairy goats. Small Rumin. Res. 200: p106394.
  8. Efriem, S., C. Sabastian, S. Blum, M. Fleker, S. J. Mabjeesh and M. Britzi. 2023. Resistant Bacteria in Broiler Litter Used as Ruminant Feed: Effect of Biotic Treatment. Antibiotics. 12: p1093.
  9. Kilama, J., B. Izhiman, P. Wagali, C. Sabastian, G. Ngomuo, H. Rabinowitch, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. Novel quality feed from a wasted resource: measuring the nutritional value of low-glycoalkaloids potato haulm in sheep. Front. Anim. Sci. 4: p1242989.
  10. Kilama, J., Y. Yakir, Y. Shaani, G. Adin, S. Kaadan, P. Wagali, C. Sabastian, G. Ngomuo, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. Chemical composition, in vitro digestibility, and storability of selected agro-industrial by-products: Alternative ruminant feed ingredients in Israel. Heliyon. 9: e14581.
  11. Mwangi, F., A. Dallasheh, M. Kalyesubula, N. Reicher, C. Sabastian, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. Diet Preference, Feed Efficiency and Expression of the Sodium-Dependent Glucose Transporter Isoform 1 and Sweet Taste Receptors in the Jejunum of Lambs Supplemented with Different Flavours. Animals 13: p1417.
  12. Wagali, P., G. Ngomuo, J. Kilama, C. Sabastian, S. Ben-Zeev, Y. A. Ben-Meir, N. Argov-Argaman, Y. Saranga, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. The effect of teff (Eragrostis tef) hay inclusion on feed intake, digestibility, and milk production in dairy cows. Front. Anim. Sci. 4: p1260787.
  13. Wagali, P., I. Pelech, C. Sabastian, J. Ben Ari, H. Tagari, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023b. The Effect of Microbial Inoculum and Urea Supplements on Nutritive Value, Amino Acids Profile, Aerobic Stability and Digestibility of Wheat and Corn Silages. Animals 13: p2197.
  14. Wagali, P., C. Sabastian, Y. Saranga, S. Ben-Zeev, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023c. The Effects of Irrigation, Genotype and Additives on Tef Silage Making. Animals 13: p470.
  15. Yarden, O., J. Zhang, D. Marcus, C. Changwal, S. J. Mabjeesh, A. Lipzen, Y. Zhang, E. Savage, V. Ng, I. V. Grigoriev, and Y. Hadar. 2023. Altered Expression of Two Small Secreted Proteins (ssp4 and ssp6) Affects the Degradation of a Natural Lignocellulosic Substrate by Pleurotus ostreatus. Inter. J. Mol. Sci. 24: p16828.
  16. Efriem, S., M. Britzi, S. Soback, C. Sabastian, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2024. A Multi-Residue Analytical Method for Assessing the Effects of Stacking Treatment on Antimicrobial and Coccidiostat Degradation in Broiler Litter. Pharmaceuticals 17: p203.
  17. Wein, Y., O. Vaidenfeld, C. Sabastian, E. Bar Shira, S. J. Mabjeesh, H. Tagari, and A. Friedman. 2024. The Effect of Environmental Enrichment on Selected Physiological and Immunological Stress-Related Markers in Dairy Goats. Biology 13(11).


Publications - Extended List

List of Publications (Last 20 Years):

  1. Arieli A., R. Sasson-Rath, S. Zamwel, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2005. Effect of Dietary Protein and Rumen Degradable Organic Matter on milk Production and Efficiency in Heat Stressed Goats. Livestock Prod. Sci. 96:215-223
  2. Feuermann, Y., S. J. Mabjeesh, and A. Shamay J. 2004. Leptin Affects Prolactin Action on Milk Protein and Fat Synthesis in the Bovine Mammary Gland. J. Dairy Sci. 87:2941-2946.
  3. Shamay, A., R. Homans, Y. Fuerman, I. Levin, H. Barash, N. Silanikove, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2004. Expression of Albumin in Nonhepatic Tissues and its Synthesis by the Bovine Mammary Gland. J. Dairy Sci. 88:569-576.
  4. Mabjeesh, S. J., O. Gal-Garber, G. Millgram, Y. Feuerman, M. Cohen and A. Shamay. 2005. Gene expression and abundance of aminopeptidase N in caprine mammary gland is influenced by circulating plasma peptide. J. Dairy Sci. 88: 2055-2064.
  5. Landau, S., D. Kababya, N. Silanikove, R. Nitsan, L. Lifshitz, H. Baram, I. Bruckental, S. J. Mabjeesh. 2005. The ratio between rumen degradable organic matter and crude protein may affect milk yield and composition in dairy sheep. Small Rumin. Res. 58: 115-122.
  6. Solomon, R., G. Adin, S. J. Mabjeesh, M. Nikbachat, E. Yosef, D. Ben-Ghedalia, and J. Miron. 2005. Digestibility in lactating cows of diets containing whole Pima treated with sodium hydroxide versus Akala or Pima cottonseed. J. Dairy Sci. 88: 1745-1751.
  7. Feuermann, Y., Mabjeesh, S. J., Niv-Spector, L., Levin, D. and Shamay, A. 2006. Prolactin affects leptin action in the bovine mammary gland via the mammary fat pad. J. Endocrinol. 191(1):407-413.
  8. M. Sternberg, N. Gishri and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2006. Effects of Grazing on Bituminaria bituminosa(L) Stirton: A Potential Forage Crop in Mediterranean Grasslands. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 192: 399-407.
  9. Mabjeesh, S. J., Z. Kerem, C. Sabastian, and A. Shamay. 2007. Saponins disrupt tight junction integrity, and induced mammary involution in lactating goats. The Open Agriculture J.1:1-4.
  10. Mabjeesh, S. J., O. Gal-Garber, and A. Shamay. 2007. Effect of Photoperiod in the Third Trimester of Gestation on Milk Production and Circulating Hormones in Dairy Goats. J. Dairy Sci. 90:699-705.
  11. Miron, J., G. Adin, R. Solomon, M, Nikbachat, A. Zenou, A. Shamay, A. Brosh and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2008. Heat production and retained energy in lactating cows held under hot summer conditions with evaporative cooling and fed two rations differing in roughage content and in vitro digestibility. Animal 2:843-848.
  12. Adin, G., R. Solomon, E. Shoshani, I. Flamenbaum, M. Nikbachat, E. Yosef,A. Zenou, I. Halachmi, A. Shamay, A. Brosh, S.J. Mabjeesh, and J. Miron. 2008. Heat production, eating behavior and milk yield of lactating cows fed two rations differing in roughage content and digestibility under heat load conditions. Livestock Sci. 119:145-153.
  13. Feuermann,Y., A. Shamay, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2008. Leptin Up-Regulates the Lactogenic Effect of Prolactin in the Bovine Mammary Gland In Vitro. J. Dairy Sci. 91:4183–4189
  14. Hanigan, M.D., J. France, S.J. Mabjeesh, W.C. McNabb B.J. Bequette. 2009. High Rates of Mammary Tissue Protein Turnover in Lactating Goats Are Energetically Costly. J. Nutr. 139:1118-1127.
  15. Adin, G., R. Solomon, M. Nikbachat, A. Zenou, E. Yosef,A. Brosh, A. Shabtay, S.J. Mabjeesh, I. Halachmi, J. Miron. 2009. Effect of feeding cows in early lactation with diets differing in roughage-neutral detergent fiber content on intake behavior, rumination, and milk production. J. dairy Sci. 92:3364-3373.
  16. Adin, G., A. Gelman, R. Solomon, I. Flamenbaum, M. Nikbachat, E. Yosef, A. Shamay, Y. Feuermann, S.J. Mabjeesh, J. Miron. 2009. Effects of cooling dry cows under heat load conditions on mammary gland enzymatic activity, intake of food and water, and performance during the dry period and after parturition. Livestock Sci. 124:189-195.
  17. Feuermann, Y., S.J. Mabjeesh, A. Shamay. 2009. Mammary Fat Can Adjust Prolactin Effect on Mammary Epithelial Cells via Leptin and Estrogen. Int. J. Endocrinol. 2009: 427260.
  18. Miron, J., G. Adin, R. Solomon, M. Nikbachat, A. Zenou, E. Yosef, A. Brosh, A. Shabtay, A. Asher, H. Gacitua, M. Kaim, S. Yaacobi, Y. Portnik, S.J. Mabjeesh. 2010. Effects of feeding cows in early lactation with soy hulls as partial forage replacement on heat production, retained energy and performance. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 155: 9-17.
  19. Argov-Argaman N, Mbogori T, Sabastian C, Shamay A, Mabjeesh SJ. Hyperinsulinemic clamp modulates milk fat globule lipid composition in goats. J Dairy Sci. 2012 Oct;95(10):5776-87. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-5569. Epub 2012 Aug 23. PubMed PMID: 22921629.
  20. Salame TM, Knop D, Levinson D, Mabjeesh SJ, Yarden O, Hadar Y. Release of Pleurotus ostreatus versatile-peroxidase from Mn2+ repression enhances anthropogenic and natural substrate degradation. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52446. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052446. Epub 2012 Dec 21. PubMed PMID: 23285046; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3528650.
  21. Mabjeesh SJ, Sabastian C, Gal-Garber O, Shamay A. Effect of photoperiod and heat stress in the third trimester of gestation on milk production and circulating hormones in dairy goats. J Dairy Sci. 2013 Jan;96(1):189-97. doi: 10.3168/jds.2012-5624. Epub 2012 Nov 17. PubMed PMID: 23164229.
  22. Salame TM, Knop D, Levinson D, Mabjeesh SJ, Yarden O, Hadar Y. Inactivation of a Pleurotus ostreatus versatile peroxidase-encoding gene (mnp2) results in reduced lignin degradation. Environ Microbiol. 2014 Jan;16(1):265-77. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12279. Epub 2013 Oct 10. PubMed PMID: 24119015.
  23. Lavy E, Lee HK, Mabjeesh SJ, Sabastian C, Baker Y, Giorgi M. Use of the novel atypical opioid tapentadol in goats (Capra hircus): pharmacokinetics after intravenous, and intramuscular administration. J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Oct;37(5):518-21. doi: 10.1111/jvp.12123. Epub 2014 Mar 10. PubMed PMID: 24611613.
  24. Shaani Y, Eliyahu D, Mizrahi I, Yosef E, Ben-Meir Y, Nikbachat M, Solomon R, Mabjeesh SJ, Miron J. Effect of feeding ensiled mixture of pomegranate pulp and drier feeds on digestibility and milk performance in dairy cows. J Dairy Res. 2016 Feb;83(1):35-41. doi: 10.1017/S0022029915000618. Epub 2015 Nov 16. PubMed PMID: 26568514.
  25. Casey T, Crodian J, Suárez-Trujillo A, Erickson E, Weldon B, Crow K, Cummings S, Chen Y, Shamay A, Mabjeesh SJ, Plaut K. CLOCK regulates mammary epithelial cell growth and differentiation. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Dec 1;311(6):R1125-R1134. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00032.2016. Epub 2016 Oct 5. PubMed PMID: 27707717; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5256977.
  26. Casey, T. M., K. Plaut, M. Kalyesubula, A. Shamay, C. Sabastian, Y. Wein, E. Bar-Shira, N. Reicher, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2018. Mammary core clock gene expression is impacted by photoperiod exposure during the dry period in goats. J. Applied Anim. Res.  46, 1214-1219.
  27. Ovadia, Y. S., C. Sabastian, L. Dahl, A. M. Troen, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2018. The effect of iodophor post-milking teat disinfection on iodine content in goat milk. Israel J. Vet. Med. 73:14-22.
  28. Ben Meir, Y. A., M. Nikbachat, S. Jacoby, Y. Portnik, H. Levit, A. K. Elazary, E. Gershon, G.  Adin, G., M. C. Zinder, A. Shabtay, M. Zachut, S. J. Mabjeesh, I. Halachmi, J. Miron. 2019. Effect of lactation trimester and parity on eating behavior, milk production and efficiency traits of dairy cows. Animal. 13:1736-1743.
  29. Ben Meir, Y. A., M. Nikbachat, Y. Portnik, S. Jacoby, H. Levit, D. Bikel, G. Adin, U. Moallem, J. Miron, S. J. Mabjeesh, and I. Halachmi. 2019. Dietary restriction improved feed efficiency of inefficient lactating cows. J. Dairy Sci. 102:8898-8906.
  30. Ben Meir, Y. A., M. Nikbachat, Y. Portnik, S. Jacoby, G. Adin, U. Moallem, I. Halachmi, J. Miron, and S. J. Mabjeesh, 2021. Effect of forage-to-concentrate ratio on production efficiency of low-efficient high-yielding lactating cows. Animal. 15:p10012.
  31. Casey, T., A. Suarez-Trujillo, S. Cummings, K. Huff, J. Crodian, K. Bhide, C. Aduwari, K. Teeple, A. Shamay, S. J. Mabjeesh, P. S. Miguel, J. Thimmapuram, and K. Plaut. 2021. Core circadian clock transcription factor BMAL1 regulates mammary epithelial cell growth, differentiation, and milk component synthesis. Plos One. 16: e0248199.
  32. Kalyesubula, M., T. M. Casey, N. Reicher, C. Sabastian, Y. Wein, E. Bar Shira, N. Hoang, U. Z. George, A. Shamay, K. Plaut, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2021. Physiological state and photoperiod exposures differentially influence circadian rhythms of body temperature and prolactin and relate to changes in mammary PER1 expression in late pregnant and early lactation dairy goats. Small Rumin. Res. 200: p106394.
  33. Efriem, S., C. Sabastian, S. Blum, M. Fleker, S. J. Mabjeesh and M. Britzi. 2023. Resistant Bacteria in Broiler Litter Used as Ruminant Feed: Effect of Biotic Treatment. Antibiotics. 12: p1093.
  34. Kilama, J., B. Izhiman, P. Wagali, C. Sabastian, G. Ngomuo, H. Rabinowitch, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. Novel quality feed from a wasted resource: measuring the nutritional value of low-glycoalkaloids potato haulm in sheep. Front. Anim. Sci. 4: p1242989.
  35. Kilama, J., Y. Yakir, Y. Shaani, G. Adin, S. Kaadan, P. Wagali, C. Sabastian, G. Ngomuo, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. Chemical composition, in vitro digestibility, and storability of selected agro-industrial by-products: Alternative ruminant feed ingredients in Israel. Heliyon. 9: e14581.
  36. Mwangi, F., A. Dallasheh, M. Kalyesubula, N. Reicher, C. Sabastian, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. Diet Preference, Feed Efficiency and Expression of the Sodium-Dependent Glucose Transporter Isoform 1 and Sweet Taste Receptors in the Jejunum of Lambs Supplemented with Different Flavours. Animals 13: p1417.
  37. Wagali, P., G. Ngomuo, J. Kilama, C. Sabastian, S. Ben-Zeev, Y. A. Ben-Meir, N. Argov-Argaman, Y. Saranga, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023. The effect of teff (Eragrostis tef) hay inclusion on feed intake, digestibility, and milk production in dairy cows. Front. Anim. Sci. 4: p1260787.
  38. Wagali, P., I. Pelech, C. Sabastian, J. Ben Ari, H. Tagari, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023b. The Effect of Microbial Inoculum and Urea Supplements on Nutritive Value, Amino Acids Profile, Aerobic Stability and Digestibility of Wheat and Corn Silages. Animals 13: p2197.
  39. Wagali, P., C. Sabastian, Y. Saranga, S. Ben-Zeev, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2023c. The Effects of Irrigation, Genotype and Additives on Tef Silage Making. Animals 13: p470.
  40. Yarden, O., J. Zhang, D. Marcus, C. Changwal, S. J. Mabjeesh, A. Lipzen, Y. Zhang, E. Savage, V. Ng, I. V. Grigoriev, and Y. Hadar. 2023. Altered Expression of Two Small Secreted Proteins (ssp4 and ssp6) Affects the Degradation of a Natural Lignocellulosic Substrate by Pleurotus ostreatus. Inter. J. Mol. Sci. 24: p16828.
  41. Efriem, S., M. Britzi, S. Soback, C. Sabastian, and S. J. Mabjeesh. 2024. A Multi-Residue Analytical Method for Assessing the Effects of Stacking Treatment on Antimicrobial and Coccidiostat Degradation in Broiler Litter. Pharmaceuticals 17: p203.
  42. Wein, Y., O. Vaidenfeld, C. Sabastian, E. Bar Shira, S. J. Mabjeesh, H. Tagari, and A. Friedman. 2024. The Effect of Environmental Enrichment on Selected Physiological and Immunological Stress-Related Markers in Dairy Goats. Biology 13(11).