Research Interest:
Nutrition and feedstuffs for small ruminants
Industrial by products as feedstuffs for ruminants
Halophytes as roughage source in ruminants ration
Amino acids metabolism at the mammary gland, protein synthesis and secretion
Short Biography
1984 - 1987
B.Sc. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Agricultural Education
1988 - 1991
M.Sc. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Anim. Sci.
1992 - 1996
Ph.D. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Anim. Sci.
1996 - 1997
Post-Doc. The Rawett Research Institute, Dept. of Protein Metabolism, Scotland |
2005 - 2009
D.V.M. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Koret School of Veterinary Medicine
1997 - 2003
Lecturer, Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2003 - 2015
Senior lecturer, Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2016 - present
Associate Professor, Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Recent Publications:
List of Publications (Last 20 Years):
Current Members of the Lab:
Former Members of the Lab (Previous 10 Years):